90 minute phone consultation with Tamar Mar
Ended at: 2077 days 19 hours 43 minutes 54 seconds ago
$140.00 USD

This auction has been sold to David Boatswain at $140.00 USD.

90 minute phone consultation with Tamar Mar

Tamar Mar is an entrepreneur, investor, speaker, and proponent of intentional lifestyle design. With nearly 20 years under her belt working in the start-up and small business arena, Tamar took the plunge to both launch her own business – and invest in others. She often says that she is the “CEO of her dreams,” and consistently focuses on ways to maximize business opportunities and generate enough passive income to be financially free and curate the lifestyle she and her family desires.

Tamar has been investing in real estate since she was 19, purchasing her first townhome when she was a sophomore in college, and has owned rental properties for over 15 years. From purchasing homes (sight unseen!) on auction, to fix-and-flips, to large-scale renovation projects, she has a keen eye for evaluating deals for maximum returns. More recently, with her company The Marota Group, her work has been focused on the acquisition of underperforming multi-family and commercial properties, where she can work with her team to stabilize the assets and accelerate returns for her investors. She currently owns 115 units, and has raised almost $2 Million from investors.

Before becoming a serial entrepreneur, Tamar was a successful executive in the start-up arena. As Chief Operating Officer of a New York-based regulatory solutions company in the FinTech space, she helped grow the business into a multi-million dollar company. Later, as President and COO of one of the largest real estate brokerages in Washington, she was integral in guiding the company through a large acquisition and building out new profit centers for the business. In 2017, she partnered to acquire The Fitness Shop, an established high-end specialty fitness equipment retailer in Washington State, and is currently working on the chain’s strategic rebranding and revitalization.

A mom to three elementary-aged children, including twins, Tamar finds joy in participating in programs that enhance education and cultivate thriving communities. When she’s not working on her latest venture, she loves traveling, gardening, kayaking, hiking, skiing, playing on the beach, boogie boarding, and pretty much anything where she can enjoy the beautiful outdoors with her family. She also likes smiling. A lot.

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